Monday, June 29, 2015

Modifikasi Client Perfect World Indonesia (config.pck)

tutorial perfect world indonesia config.pck pwtool

Step 1 - It's all about Respect.

Original Post :

All Credit Belong to fgru @RaGEZONE

Step 2 - Download Tools

1. Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (Optional) Kalau cuma untuk compress dan decompress .PCK sepertinya tidak perlu.

2.  pwTools - sTools (PW tools for ALL versions of PW, made by Ronny1982)
( Downloader 3 Mb >> Kemudian setelah download menjadi sekitar 170 Mb)

Step 3 - Extract
1. Install Visual C++ nya sampai selesai, kalau disuruh restart, restart aja komputernya.
2. Buat Folder PWTOOLS di Drive C ato D, trus extract.

3. Click 2x file pwtools-src.bat, trus tunggu, ini proses download, jadi tergantung speed internet kalian.

4. Buka Folder pwtools-src
5. Masuk ke Folder bin
6. Masuk ke Folder sPCK

sampai sini, harusnya udah sama seperti gambar diatas.

Modifikasi Client Config
1. Buka Notepad, ketik

sPCK.exe -pw -x "configs.pck"

2. Simpan file dengan nama Extract-Config.bat trus file type ganti jadi All Files (*.*) trus Save

3. Buka My Computer, cari lokasi  game Perfect World kamu, trus ke folder element.
4. Cari file config.pck (kalau gak ketemu, teken Alt + t + o, trus click di tab VIEW, cari Hide Extension for known file type, trus hilangin centangnya, trus click ok)
5. Copy File tersebut (config.pck), trus paste di C:\PWTOOLS\pwtools-src\bin\sPCK
6. Click 2x Extract-Config.bat

nah sekarang harusnya seperti ini, kalau tidak, cek lagi langkah2-nya.

7. Masuk Folder config.pck.files > configs > 
8. Nah sekarang coba cari file uiconfig.ini, kemudian cari tulisan 

SkipFirstLoadProgress = 1

ganti menjadi

SkipFirstLoadProgress = 0

Ini gunanya untuk melewati loading progress pada saat element client nyala sebelum login. Banyak file lain yang kalian bisa edit sendiri, silahkan dicoba-coba, untuk file .cfg dibuka dengan Notepad, lakukan backup sebelum kalian melakukan modifikas pada file.

9. Jika sudah selesai, sekarang buka Notepad, ketik

sPCK.exe -pw -c "configs.pck.files"

Save nya dengan metode yang sama, di folder C:\PWTOOLS\pwtools-src\bin\sPCK seperti diatas, pilih File Type = All Files (*.*), trus nama filenya Compress-Config.bat

10. Rename config.pck menjadi config-backup.pck ini tujuannya biar file config.pck yang asli tidak di overwrite sama file yang dimodifikasi, sehingga jika ada kesalahan dalam modifikasi, masih ada cadangan file asli.

11. Sekarang click 2x file Compress-Config.bat ini untuk membuat file config.pck yang baru.
12. Copy config.pck yang baru dibuat ke folder game kamu > element
13. Kalau ada konfirmasi Overwrite, timpa aja, biar ga terlalu banyak file backup, soalnya di folder PWTOOLS sudah ada backupnya, yaitu config-backup.pck
14. Selesai, sekarang jalanin Perfect Word, lihat, tidak ada loading progress, langsung ke pemilihan server.
15. Login kedalam game, kemudian Visit for more tutorial.

Di dalam config.pck masih banyak file yang bisa di tweak / modifikasi untuk meringankan kerja CPU kalian, jadi coba - coba aja yah sendiri.

Layak dicoba, buka file badwords.txt kalian, trus udah tau donk mau diapain trus gimana... klo belum juga tahu, baca lagi dari Step -1.

Tutorial berikutnya, kita akan mengurangi beberapa detail seperti pohon, awan, air, rumput, dan beberapa hal lainnya dengan tujuan untuk lebih meringankan kerja dari VGA dan CPU dan juga memberi sedikit keleluasaan untuk RAM.

Friday, June 26, 2015

How to Install Fail2Ban to Prevent SSH Brute Force

Hello, now i want to share how to secure our VPS, VPS has many weak spot to breach, especially in opened port. If you follow my tutorial here, it's not makes your VPS secure, just decrease the chance being breach by unauthorized person, i didn't say hacker, just unauthorized person.
What i want to share is how to prevent your VPS being brute forced through SSH, an old school method, but sometimes it's really effective for VPS with weak password, are you sure your password are not listed in brute force dictionaries? many good dictionaries out there, so beware about your password, you must read tutorial about create strong password (How to Create Strong Password), or you can search in, many good tutorial about create password.

how to install fail2ban to prevent bruteforce ssh

My VPS is sponsored by, and i already ask them for permission to brute force it in order for review only and education purpose, but remember, without special permission by asking directly to EthernetServers team or person in charge there, it will cause permanently ban, so read again the Terms of Service.

Here's part of EthernetServers TOS (Terms of Service)

Server AbuseAny attempt to undermine or cause harm to a server or customer of Ethernet Servers is strictly prohibited. As our customer you are responsible for all your accounts. Should you violate the Terms of Services outlined within, your account will be cancelled without chance of refund.

Examples of unacceptable content or links: - Hacking Tools and/or programs
>> Including hacking script using python, bash, etc.
>> Including Metasploit, even if you are a pentester, so there are no exception for this matter.
>> Including Port Scanner too :P, so no hacking activity too, even if your reason is for security purpose.

Now let's Start, first i will scan for opened port.

Host is up (0.036s latency).
Not shown: 994 closed ports
22/tcp   open     ssh
80/tcp   open     http
161/tcp  filtered snmp
1723/tcp open     pptp
5901/tcp open     vnc-1
6001/tcp open     X11:1

Port 22 is open, so let's brute port 22, with username root
Let's assume we don't know the password for root, and using dictionary file for brute it.

*SSH ----------- Ver. 0.2           *
*Coded by --------------------      *
*Ed---------------earch             *
*               *

HOST: Username: root Password file: pass10.txt
Trying password...

Auth OK ---> Password Found: letmein

Times -- > Init: 0.06 End: 1.15

we got the password, which is letmein, let's try using another bruteforcer with the famous Ncrack

Starting Ncrack 0.4ALPHA ( ) at 2015-06-26 17:54 CEST

Discovered credentials on ssh:// 'root' 'letmein'
ssh:// finished.

Discovered credentials for ssh on 22/tcp: 22/tcp ssh: 'root' 'letmein'

Ncrack done: 1 service scanned in 18.14 seconds.
Probes sent: 6 | timed-out: 0 | prematurely-closed: 0

Ncrack finished.

Done, that two bruteforcer can detect the password, not more that 1 minute, it is because i already know the right password and i put my password in dictionary, so it will be detected easily, and because i only have 10 word in my dictionary, so it only take a minute less, in the real probe, it takes hour maybe day to brute using dictionary, and it consume lot of resource.

Now, let's see how to prevent bruteforce using fail2ban.
First, you must install fail2ban.


Then wait, it less than 1 minute, there are not much step, i already create auto install for you.
After install, you will automatically see vi editor with file jail.local opened

# Fail2Ban jail base specification file
# It will probably be overwitten or improved in a distribution update.
# Provide customizations in a jail.local file or a jail.d/customisation.local.
# For example to change the default bantime for all jails and to enable the
# ssh-iptables jail the following (uncommented) would appear in the .local file.
# See man 5 jail.conf for details.
# bantime = 3600
# [ssh-iptables]
# enabled = true

It will looks like above, you can scroll it down, and edit it depend on your need, let's scroll down a bit, until you find similar like this (see below)


# "ignoreip" can be an IP address, a CIDR mask or a DNS host. Fail2ban will not
# ban a host which matches an address in this list. Several addresses can be
# defined using space separator.
ignoreip =

# External command that will take an tagged arguments to ignore, e.g. <ip>,
# and return true if the IP is to be ignored. False otherwise.
# ignorecommand = /path/to/command <ip>
ignorecommand =

# "bantime" is the number of seconds that a host is banned.
bantime  = 600

# A host is banned if it has generated "maxretry" during the last "findtime"
# seconds.
findtime  = 600

# "maxretry" is the number of failures before a host get banned.
maxretry = 3

ignoreip >> it means, the ip address in list will not caught by fail2ban if you have wrong input password more than "n" times.

bantime >> it means if someone try to login / brute, it will ban the IP if wrong password for "n" times

maxretry >> this is maximum retry (n) for wrong password. By default, it is 3 times wrong password, you will get banned by 600 (equal to 10 Minute)

if you already configure, type :wq to save and exit from vi editor, and type:

sudo service fail2ban start

It's done, fail2ban already installed and configured, now let's check again by scanning the port

Host is up (0.088s latency).
Not shown: 994 closed ports
22/tcp   open     ssh
80/tcp   open     http
161/tcp  filtered snmp
1723/tcp open     pptp
5901/tcp open     vnc-1
6001/tcp open     X11:1

then, try to brute force with the sampe method like before we use.

*SSH ----------- Ver. 0.2           *
*Coded by --------------------      *
*Ed---------------earch             *
*               *

HOST: Username: root Password file: pass10.txt
Trying password...

Exception in thread mypassw0rd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "", line 44, in run
    t = paramiko.Transport(hostname)
  File "/home/", line 235, in __init__
    sock.connect((hostname, port))
  File "<string>", line 1, in connect
error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

Exception in thread r00tismine
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "", line 44, in run
    t = paramiko.Transport(hostname)
  File "/home/", line 235, in __init__
    sock.connect((hostname, port))
  File "<string>", line 1, in connect
error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

Exception in thread stayawayfromr00t
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "", line 44, in run
    t = paramiko.Transport(hostname)
  File "/home/", line 235, in __init__
    sock.connect((hostname, port))
  File "<string>", line 1, in connect
error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

Exception in thread letmein
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "", line 44, in run
    t = paramiko.Transport(hostname)
  File "/home/", line 235, in __init__
    sock.connect((hostname, port))
  File "<string>", line 1, in connect
error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

it's a long list, i just entered a few line that show Connection refused, the password is letmein, but it not accepted, and refused too, because it's retry more than 3 times, but how about if you password is in first line? or second? you must be unluck person :P, but at least your VPS can be a "little secure" newbie who like brute force method will not break in into your VPS :P.

now let's try using Ncrack

Starting Ncrack 0.4ALPHA ( ) at 2015-06-26 18:27 CEST

caught SIGINT signal, cleaning up

Ncrack just stand like that, like there are nothing to do, until i press Ctrl+C to break it.
Now try scan again to see our port status.

Not shown: 994 closed ports
22/tcp   filtered ssh
80/tcp   open     http
161/tcp  filtered snmp
1723/tcp open     pptp
5901/tcp open     vnc-1
6001/tcp open     X11:1

Our port is filtered, because we are scanning from IP in banned period.
It's done, above are very-very simple and easy technics, but do your VPS can survive from very simple easy technics? thanks for reading, see you in next security testing and how to prevent it. And Big Thanks to for providing free VPS.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

VPS can't connect to Internet "Unknown Host"

Hello again, today i want to show you to fix some little problem that may occur on your VPS, i experience it today, while i installing package from yum or in other word officially apps for Centos 6 64Bit, everything is fine, i can host my website using wordpress, connect SSH, surfing with VPN, etc, no problem at all, this time i using VPS provided by for review purpose with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 v3 @ 3.40GHz as CPU - 2GB Ram - 100GB SSD - and 2TB Bandwidth (check limited offer here).

And, i start reboot my VPS, nothing strange happened or maybe i didn't realized it, i try run VNC and connect to KDE from windows, and tada...

"The connection was refused by the host computer"

And i try start my vncserver from terminal, i type vncserver from terminal, it won't start.
I think my VPS can't connect to Internet, so to make sure, not guessing, i try simple thing, i type :


"unknown host"

Yes indeed, there are conflict in network, so it block each other, maybe when you installing some package, you don't realized you already create that conflict.

Fisrt to make sure again i type :

chkconfig --list | grep -Ei 'network|wpa'

network         0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
NetworkManager  0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
wpa_supplicant  0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off

That's the problem, 2 network manage in one system, so try remove NetworkManager, type :

yum remove NetworkManager

Then restart or reboot your VPS, try ping first.


64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=2.37 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=2.33 ms

it success, then i try connect to KDE using VNC in windows 7

"The connection was refused by the host computer"

this occur because vncserver is not started, try start it by type :


New ' (root)' desktop is

Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /root/.vnc/

IT's DONE, PROBLEM SOLVED, but what cause that matter? so i reinstall my VPS, and try install package one by one, after installing i do reboot, and then ping, no problem so far, until i install KDE (Tutorial INSTALL KDE click here), after i reboot, i can't ping Google.

So i assume, that source of problem is from KDE, but from previous tutorial that i using another VPS Host, this kind of problem is not exist. Maybe i just unlucky or something passed by me.

Hope my experience can help you solve problem like this.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 VPS Host Review

Hello again, First i want to say Thanks to for provide me trial VPS with 2G Plan for review. Now we will start reviewing a VPS from, never heard before? yeah, me too, maybe we are too young to know the fact that is that VPS Host is exist, not only exist, but i think its good enough, i have propose the trial for this VPS, espesially in 4Gb Memory plan.

CPU model :  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 v3 @ 3.40GHz
Number of cores : 4
CPU frequency :  3392.357 MHz
Total amount of ram : 2048 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
System uptime :   56 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 43.9MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 20.3MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 7.24MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 932KB/s
Download speed from, Rotterdam, NL: 1.30MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 3.98MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 1.09MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 1.62MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 1.44MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 40.7MB/s
I/O speed :  690 MB/s

Benchmark Result (By

Geekbench Score
Single-Core Score 3090 - Multi-Core Score 7655

Angelimus Score
(Plan Ram 2GB)

Note : SSH Port in Here are not using port 22, for security reason EthernetServers change the port, i will not mention the port, to avoid brute ssh.

(Previous Day Scene)
I have contact their Customer Service by email, and has been redirected into their Sales Promotion Team, and finally spoke with "The Person" i don't mention name :P, the respon for that is quite fast, and very kind, they offer me server in Buffalo, NY for trial with the spec as i requested.

And i request to review their VPS and post it on my blog which is the old domain, and now is
They gave the permission, its nice.

Now, from the value side, it has diffrence in what they offer in website and their promo, promo are not mentioned in their official website, it's a special offer, i have verified with ethernet server, and it's valid. But until when? for this time it's still valid until next confirmation.


Last check : June, 25 2015

Terms of Service

Before you buy service, you must read the Terms from

Examples of unacceptable content or links: 
- Unsolicited Mail (Spamming) 
>> no mass mailing
- Distributing illegal copies of copyrighted software or Warez 
>> can't host illegal warez from anywhere including torrent. 
- Violations of copyrights, trademarks or U.S laws
- Selling and/or distributing illegal contraband
- Anything related to IRC
- Hacking Tools and/or programs 
>> Including hacking script using python, bash, etc.
>> Including Metasploit, even if you are a pentester, so there are no exception for this matter.
>> Including Port Scanner too :P, so no hacking activity too, even if your reason is for security purpose.
- File Sharing, Image Galleries, Image Hosting, and/or Storage sites
- Escrow sites
- Investment sites
- AutoSurf sites
- Banking sites
- Lottery sites

We operate a fair-share CPU policy. CPU is not dedicated to any one VPS on a host machine, and as such, you are asked to moderate your usage and consider other people who are sharing the same hardware as you. We do not allow any other form of CPU intensive application such as Bitcoin Mining which can utilize a large amount of CPU. Our Management Team reserve the right to suspend any VPS' that we believe are using excessive CPU. Game servers are acceptable assuming they do not utilize too much CPU.
>> Max CPU Load is 1.00

Server Abuse
Any attempt to undermine or cause harm to a server or customer of Ethernet Servers is strictly prohibited. As our customer you are responsible for all your accounts. Should you violate the Terms of Services outlined within, your account will be cancelled without chance of refund. 

Traffic Usage
All accounts that exceed bandwidth usage will be automatically suspended, it is up to the service owner to work with Ethernet Servers on a solution. 

I don't know about ADULT PORN material, but personally, i'm not agree with CHILD PORN.

above are respond from about porn.
There are no restriction about Porn, it is legal, but it will be illegal if you don't have permission from the original author. Note that.

VPS Control Panel.

 You can reinstall your VPS Using Centos, Ubuntu, and Debian, all OS With 32 and 64 Bit Support

 you can activated this on statistic, by select time span.

Okay, Now we have VPS, let start installing.

1. Speed Test.

2. Access Root From PuTTY

3. Install MySQL (

4. Install Wordpress

5. Installing SSH Dropbear

if you follow my previous tutorial (link above), it said when starting dropbear at first time after install script will failed (Step 1, last picture), on this server, it's not failed, it success,
 but you still need input OPTIONS="-p 443"
in /etc/init.d/dropbear
in order Dropbear run in port "443"

Read the tutorial about SSH Dropbear for how to add user and connect it.

6. Install PPTP VPN

Before installing, go to Control Panel (
and turn on both TUN/TAP and PPP.

7. Install KDE (Tutorial Install KDE)

Remote VPS Server that running KDE Desktop using VNC From Windows 7

8. Wait a moment, come back later, you'll never regret it, promise... :P

For now, this is my review about EtherServers, for me, this VPS is quite good even only with 2GB of RAM, next review, we will try install Virtualmin and Webmin, i will post in here too.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How to add user in Centos 6

Hello again, today i want to share about how to manage user in Centos 6 64Bit. User are an account that has created by user or by 3rd Party Application in order to run.

User can be created if you want to add another account to share your VPS, but remember, because you are in one VPS, so you much share your resource too  with another user that logon in your VPS.

You can limit user activity too for your user, example, if you want to limit your user only using SSH, or FTP, or VPN, it’s up to you. I recomend to limit your user, so it can be controlled, and your VPS not too overload, because some VPS Host will suspend VPS if there are unusual activity or high activity that makes VPS Overload.

1. How to add user in Centos 6
adduser angelimus
passwd angelimus

then type your password twice

2. How to add user in Centos to Group
usermod -a -G ftp angelimus

-a = append user in group
-G = new list of supplementary GROUPS
ftp = group name

another example :

usermod -a -G ftp angelimus, porthos, socrates, delinios

3. How to limit user in centos 6
- Prevent User using SSH and FTP
usermod -s /sbin/nologin mynewssh 
- User only using VPN
vi /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
angelimusVPN pptpd pass900 *

4. How to lock user in centos 6
usermod -L angelimus

5. How to remove user in centos 6
userdel angelimus
just delete user account

userdel -r angelimus
-r = remove angelimus home directory too

6. How to force expired user password in Centos 6
chage -d 0 angelimus

7. How to view user password in Centos 6
cat /etc/passwd

Monday, June 22, 2015

How to Create Strong Password and Easy To Remember

A password is a word or string of characters used for user authentication to prove identity or access approval to gain access to a resource (example: an access code is a type of password), which should be kept secret from those not allowed access.
definition of Password by

Create some password is a common things that people do, most of all online service, asking their user to register using username or email, after that you must create your password, then, you can using their service, it easy right?

But HOW IF, someone using your ID to use your paying service? Maybe no problem for you, but HOW IF someone login to your account and doing some illegal activity on the internet??? That's will be a HUGE problem for you, i guarantee.

You think you Password can't be breach? Because you use password generator?
Hmm... how about if you have 10 diffrent account in diffrent website, are you using diffrent password for each account, and you generate your password using password generator, do you remember it all? If yes, how about 50 diffrent account? do you remember it all??? :P no offense.

Do you believe you can remember all username and password of 1000 diffrent account and website?
  - Yes, i can remember it all.

Okay, i will show you some sample to create strong password using some pattern, with your brain as password generator.

Step 1 - Find something you like but no one knows, only you and god knows it, or maybe you can select it randomly, but you must remember, it's like your secret word.
Example : i choose word "BASH" because i create script using BASH everyday.
avoid your dog name, mother name, father name, chidren name, because name is easy to guess

Step 2 - Create Pattern,  create some custom pattern that originally from your mind, dont use the hard one, create the simple one, and remember it.
Example : [type connection] - [website/application] - [secret word] - [amount of character in website]

Example i want create account in

type connectionfor website i use HT from Http:// , for application i use AP from App , for ftp i use FT from ftp:// , for ssh i use SS from ssh:// ,  for sftp i use SF from sftp://.
Now we have 5 diffrent combination

website/applicationname of website that we will use to register, in this case is facebook i only take the last two word which is ok from facebook so i use "Ok"

secret word : which is "BASH"

amount of character in website : facebook contain 8 character, so i use 8.

Final, so my password for is


Simple right? how about


Take more example on application like game, it need 2 password, web password and game password, and in some games required vault password.
Example game Perfect World, website

Password for Website

Password for Game

That's all, all you need to remember is your pattern and your secret code, simple right, how about that 1000 account? can you remember all?? YES...

But, is it still can be breach?? Yes... using Dictionary Brute Force, but maybe it takes about 2 years or more, its not worth it to breach it. 

With only 2 thing which is BASH and Pattern, you have qualified password. Your password can't be breach by anyone, except by you, so don't ever tell your PATTERN or Secret Code to anyone or anything that looks like human, except your pet :P, and don't ever write it down or save it in your computer, even its your personal computer. 

Our brain is most strong and secure password generator.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to Unzip / Zip file in Centos 6

Hello again, now i want to share how to zip and unzip file in centos, what in zip file? zipping file is collecting a few or more file that you choose and compress it into one file, so you can give that file or send to your friend or send it to file hosting, zip file usually used when you want to backup something, as a sample, i have website that i put on /public_html folder, and i want to back it up in case something happened or maybe you want to do a major change to your website, so i just zip my /public_html directory into one file, and i start change or modify the original file, if something happened, i just recover all my files in /public_html directory by unzipping from zip file that i created as backup.

Before we start, make sure zip package is installed in your system, by type zip in your terminal.

if there are no zip package installed, it will reply -bash: zip: command not found
so you must install it first by type :

yum -y install zip

1. Zip
Now you have zip package installed in your system, now type zip, there are a lot of option for zip, we don't use that all, i usually only use -r and -v.
-r is recurse into directories it means, zip include directory
-v is verbose it will showing line by line what file has been added to your zip file

the command fo zip is

zip [options] [] [dir / file(s) that we want to zip]

example :
i want to zip files with .txt as extension
zip -v /home/backup/ /home/tutorial/*.txt

i want to backup my website file in /html/wordpress into /home/backup/
cd /var/www/html/wordpress/
zip -rv /home/backup/ *

2. Unzip
Before using unzip, try type

if the reply is -bash: unzip: command not found it mean there are no unzip package in your system, so you must install it first by type
yum -y install unzip

Now unzip package already installed in your system, lets start
To view file in .zip, use this command
unzip -l /home/backup/

To restore / extract zip file, use this command
unzip /home/backup/ -d /var/www/home/html/wordpress

To restore / extract zip file, and overwrite it
unzip -o /home/backup/ -d /var/www/home/html/wordpress

To restore / extract zip file, and update it
unzip -u /home/backup/ -d /var/www/home/html/wordpress

There are a lot of options to use, but not all of that options is used, it depends on your case, maybe you will use it, but these are a basic command in compress and extract file(s)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How To Monitoring Running Process in Centos 6 64Bit

Hello, again now i want to share some tutorial about how to monitoring resource on centos 6, this tutorial is very common, i got this from a few source, a few of them i got from, you can check it there for more information and of course there are much usefull information, you must visit there.

What is monitoring running process?? in windows, we usually use task manager to see what is running on our system, but in centos, we have a few similar tool like task manager too, but if you only use terminal there are a few script or command to show what running on your system.

Sometimes we got our VPS running slow, and you must check on control panel in website for how much our memory is being used or how high our processor load, it not necessary, it wasting time of course, cause centos has built in tools to check memory usage and processor usage to, and the important things is we must know, if is there any other user using our VPS or no, because sometimes we dont know who are using our VPS, and what is application that our user running.

1. Some cool stuff from  (Post by AVISHEK KUMAR)
This stuff has great view, i like this too, and sometimes i used it too, it has many information about our VPS, to install it, follow this step, open your terminal, and type :
There is no dependency required to use this package for a standard Linux Distribution. Moreover the script don’t requires root permission for execution purpose. However if you want to Install it, you need to enter root password once. (original statement from

Have taken care to ensure security of the system. Nothing additional package is required/installed. No root access required to run. Moreover code has been released under Apache 2.0 License, that means you are free to edit, modify and re-distribute by keeping Tecmint copyright. (original statement from


chmod 755 -i


2. Top (Built-in centos 6 monitor)
If you need more spesific about what is PID of running process, the user who running the application, how many resource used by application, etc you just type :

3. ps -eLf
To use this, you don't need to install anything, just type it, this will show you history of running process by user and also what command that user type to run script, use this if you have unknown user in your system.
ps -elf

4. atop
This is similar like top, but you must install first. Open your terminal and type :
yum -y install atop
to run it just type atop.

5. htop
This is similar like top and atop, but this more colorful and has built in function to kill process, search, filter, and the important is this application can modify priority of running process, you can modify it in realtime, no need to kill the process first. Use up and down arrow to select process and select what task todo.
yum -y install htop
to run it just type htop.

Thats all, you decide which one you want to use, remember, all application above running consume resource too, dont you run all time, use it when you need it.

Friday, June 12, 2015

How To Create Sub-Domain in Virtualmin

Hello again, now i'm gonna show you how to "Create Sub-Domain in Virtualmin" in this tutorial i will install roundcube and add sub-domain pointing to roundcube. Roundcube is a web-based email client. In previous post, i have explain how to create sub-server in Virtualmin (How To Create Sub-Server Virtualmin), Sub-Domain and Sub-Server are diffrent, and the way to create it is diffrent.

Before we want to create Sub-Domain or Sub-Server, we must know what is the diffrent, how do they act, and the structure in directory.
Let's take an example :, let see the structure both Sub-Domain and Sub-Server, see below.

Sub-Server directory of
/root/home/<website files>

Sub-Domain directory of
/root/home/<website files>

Okay, lets start create Sub-Domain.

Step 1 - Install Roundcube 
(you can skip this step if you already have directory for sub-domain destination directory)
1. Open your browser, and login to your terminal.
2. Choose your domain that you want to install roundcube on left panel, by click the drop down menu.
3. Click Install Script on left panel, and see on the right panel, in email section, click on roundcube
4. Click on Play Button on the Right or Simple Just Click "Show Install Options"
5. I'm gonna use my domain in this case, so my "Database for RoundCube preferences" = angelimusvps_tk_roundcube (MySQL, new database)
6. Install sub-directory under public_html = DO NOT CHOOSE at top level, and type roundcube, by default its checked beside that.
7. Click "Install Now"

Note :
(1)For someone of you that running Centos 6, maybe have a little problem in PHP Version, in my case, i can't install roundcube, because my PHP Version is 5.3.3 so i must upgrade into PHP 5.4.x, see this tutorial to upgrade your php How To Upgrade PHP 5.3 to 5.4 in Centos 6

(2)After installing roundcube, now try open your browser and type http://<yourdomain>/roundcube if nothing  happened, or it's like downloading or saving something else, maybe thats normal, because i have same problem like that before, now go to virtualmin again, on left panel > (as domain) > Server Configuration > Website Option > PHP script execution mode = Apache mod_php (run as Apache's user) 

Click save, now try again open your roundcube http://<yourdomain>/roundcube

Step 2 - Create Sub-Domain 
Now i'm gonna make subdomain that point to /home/

1. Manage your domain in your domain provider.
My domain is free domain from, so i login to and manage  freenom domain, add new record inbox A (your ip) see image below
after that click on save changes, wait about 10-30 minutes, i usually only wait about 10 minutes.
to check if it already registered, try ping inbox.<yourdomain>.tk if no reply or time out, wait again a few minutes and ping again. If you still confuse about this manage dns, see my previous tutorial in ()

2. Go to Virtualmin, on left panel, on top section, click on Webmin
3. Click Servers > Apache Webserver, now see on right panel, click on "Create Virtual Host

1. Choose "Spesific address" = your vps ip address
2. "Document Root" = find your directory that you want to redirect to subdomain.
3. "Server Name" = just type your subdomain, i type
Click "Create Now"

Note : after you click create now, see on top right section, Click "Apply Changes", then "Stop Apache", then "Start Apache"

Open your browser, and type your subdomain, ex : you will see your sub directory redirected to sub-domain.

I think that's it for now, if your have a better and simple and more secure, feel free to share on comment section, and see you in next tutorial.