Showing posts with label xCheat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label xCheat. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2015

Modifikasi Client Perfect World Indonesia (config.pck)

tutorial perfect world indonesia config.pck pwtool

Step 1 - It's all about Respect.

Original Post :

All Credit Belong to fgru @RaGEZONE

Step 2 - Download Tools

1. Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (Optional) Kalau cuma untuk compress dan decompress .PCK sepertinya tidak perlu.

2.  pwTools - sTools (PW tools for ALL versions of PW, made by Ronny1982)
( Downloader 3 Mb >> Kemudian setelah download menjadi sekitar 170 Mb)

Step 3 - Extract
1. Install Visual C++ nya sampai selesai, kalau disuruh restart, restart aja komputernya.
2. Buat Folder PWTOOLS di Drive C ato D, trus extract.

3. Click 2x file pwtools-src.bat, trus tunggu, ini proses download, jadi tergantung speed internet kalian.

4. Buka Folder pwtools-src
5. Masuk ke Folder bin
6. Masuk ke Folder sPCK

sampai sini, harusnya udah sama seperti gambar diatas.

Modifikasi Client Config
1. Buka Notepad, ketik

sPCK.exe -pw -x "configs.pck"

2. Simpan file dengan nama Extract-Config.bat trus file type ganti jadi All Files (*.*) trus Save

3. Buka My Computer, cari lokasi  game Perfect World kamu, trus ke folder element.
4. Cari file config.pck (kalau gak ketemu, teken Alt + t + o, trus click di tab VIEW, cari Hide Extension for known file type, trus hilangin centangnya, trus click ok)
5. Copy File tersebut (config.pck), trus paste di C:\PWTOOLS\pwtools-src\bin\sPCK
6. Click 2x Extract-Config.bat

nah sekarang harusnya seperti ini, kalau tidak, cek lagi langkah2-nya.

7. Masuk Folder config.pck.files > configs > 
8. Nah sekarang coba cari file uiconfig.ini, kemudian cari tulisan 

SkipFirstLoadProgress = 1

ganti menjadi

SkipFirstLoadProgress = 0

Ini gunanya untuk melewati loading progress pada saat element client nyala sebelum login. Banyak file lain yang kalian bisa edit sendiri, silahkan dicoba-coba, untuk file .cfg dibuka dengan Notepad, lakukan backup sebelum kalian melakukan modifikas pada file.

9. Jika sudah selesai, sekarang buka Notepad, ketik

sPCK.exe -pw -c "configs.pck.files"

Save nya dengan metode yang sama, di folder C:\PWTOOLS\pwtools-src\bin\sPCK seperti diatas, pilih File Type = All Files (*.*), trus nama filenya Compress-Config.bat

10. Rename config.pck menjadi config-backup.pck ini tujuannya biar file config.pck yang asli tidak di overwrite sama file yang dimodifikasi, sehingga jika ada kesalahan dalam modifikasi, masih ada cadangan file asli.

11. Sekarang click 2x file Compress-Config.bat ini untuk membuat file config.pck yang baru.
12. Copy config.pck yang baru dibuat ke folder game kamu > element
13. Kalau ada konfirmasi Overwrite, timpa aja, biar ga terlalu banyak file backup, soalnya di folder PWTOOLS sudah ada backupnya, yaitu config-backup.pck
14. Selesai, sekarang jalanin Perfect Word, lihat, tidak ada loading progress, langsung ke pemilihan server.
15. Login kedalam game, kemudian Visit for more tutorial.

Di dalam config.pck masih banyak file yang bisa di tweak / modifikasi untuk meringankan kerja CPU kalian, jadi coba - coba aja yah sendiri.

Layak dicoba, buka file badwords.txt kalian, trus udah tau donk mau diapain trus gimana... klo belum juga tahu, baca lagi dari Step -1.

Tutorial berikutnya, kita akan mengurangi beberapa detail seperti pohon, awan, air, rumput, dan beberapa hal lainnya dengan tujuan untuk lebih meringankan kerja dari VGA dan CPU dan juga memberi sedikit keleluasaan untuk RAM.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dungeon Rampage Health and Energy Hack

Dungeon Rampage Health and Energy Hack

Original Thread [Dungeon Rampage Trainer]

Credit To : abhijeet1001

- Mozilla Firefox
- Trainer Download Here

Last Try Works on April 16, 2013

1. Open Dungeon Rampage
2. After loading complete

3. Open trainer

4. Now go to battle, after loading finish

5. Press 8 For Infinite Energy, wait until text turn red
6. Press 9 For Infinite Health turn Red
7. your HP Bar and Energy bar will never decrease
Note : You Will die if you got combo by the enemy

Credit To : abhijeet1001 as the creator of this trainer.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dark Warriors - Gem Hack - Skill Point and Attribute Point Hack [Permanent]

Dark Warriors Gem Hack

- Tested on April 7, 2013
- Version Dark Pets 1.126

Ps : Other version or update may cause this cheat wont work anymore.

1. Open Cheat engine 6.2
2. Go to the game Dark Warriors
3. Open Gem Shop  or Press "V"

4. Value Type : 4 bytes Scan Type : Exact Value 
5. Scan 40 , Click First Scan
6. Go to game click Weapon (see image below)

7. Change Value to 1, click Next Scan
8. Now see the result on left pane of cheat engine, there are about 6 result (the result may vary on each computer)
9. Go to game again and click armor again

 10. See cheat engine, find in result pane in the left, see the number that same like picture above (Beast Helmet - 30)
11. Double Click that address

12. Change to -900 (if you want to change more its fine, but i use -900)
13. Buy that beast helmet. See picture below

14. Now your gems increase 900. Buy anything you like.
15. Its Permanent.
16. You can increase your skill point using this gems.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Dragon City Dragon Combination Receipe (Josip Cavlovic)

This not a cheat, but it will show you legendary dragon combination, just watch this video, and you will know how to do

This link is from Josip Cavlovic

Another Combination :
neon + lentern fish = pirat dragon or jack sparrov  chance 100%
waterfall dragon + sea shell dragon = armadrillo dragon chance 100%
laser + fire bird = gummy dragon chance 100%
cool fire + cool fire = legendary chance 90%
all credit belong to Josip Cavlovic

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Social Empire Cheat Cash

Social Empire Cheat Cash New Update

This cheat is not permanent, just use it when you want to buy something with cash.

1. Open Cheat Engine
2. Change Value Type to Array of Byte
3. Scan 33 36 00 00 00 00 00
4. Remember this : Press Next Scan about 5 - 10 times to make sure, if not, it can cause refresh automatically

5.Grab all result
6. Change all result to 2D 39 00 00 00 00 00
7. Go to shop
8. Build T-Rex Barrack, you will got 9 cash
9. this is not the end....
10. Go cheat engine again, scan 00 32 31 33 39 00 00 00 00
11. Grab all result, change to 00 31 34 39 36 00 00 00 00
12. Now go to Trex Barrack and build that Barrack Lizard Gladiator, each time you built it, you got 9 cash, the point is not to create barrack lizard gladiator, the point is 9 Cash
13. Dont worry about Barrack Lizard Gladiator, there will be a lot of barrack
14. But when you visit friend it all gone, and cash back to 0
15. So before you visit, make sure you has buy all you need with cash, or doing anything with cash
16. After visit all cheat are gone except the things you buy with cash
17. Repeat step 3 each time you visit and dont forget refresh browser.

There's a lot of step there, but it worth it..... hope you not confuse....

Easy Cash Cheat from abhijeet1001

Open Cheat Engine 6.2
Scan (as string) = wood
Replace = cash

Go cut down some tree, you will see your csh increase 20 each time you cut tree.
This is not permanent.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Social Empire Gold and Resource Cheat

Social Empire Gold Cheat Permanent ( Last Try : March,30 2013 )

1. Open Cheat Engine
2. First Me Must Have

3. It Cost 60 Cash
4. Now We turn that 60 Cash to -9 Cash
5. Scan 36 30 00 00 00 00 00

6. Grab all result
7. Change all result to 2D 39 00 00 00 00 00
8. Dont built that parthenon, but Scan this 21600 (scan as string)
9.  Grab all result
10. Change to 1
11. Remember this step : You MUST BATTLE, go PvP or Other (i try in pvp battle)
12. Go to shop BUILD Parthenon or another resource

13. See your parthenon, collect as much as you want

14. Try to refresh, see your gold or other resource. (Last Try 30.3.2013)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Social Wars Cheat Silo Capacity

Social Wars Cheat Silo Capacity

This is an old cheat that still works, and you can find this cheat on many social wars cheat site.

1. Open Cheat Engine 6.2
2. Change Value Type to Array of Byte
3. Scan 33 30 30 30 30 00 00 00 00
4. Replace with 39 39 39 39 39 00 00 00 00
5. Buy Silo III
6. See your capacity.