Friday, June 5, 2015

Part 5 - Installing SSH Dropbear on Centos 6 64Bit

Hello, today i want to share about how to install SSH Dropbear into Centos 6 64Bit, but, as usually, before we install, we must knowing first, what and how SSH Dropbear is.
Dropbear is a software package written by Matt Johnston that provides a Secure Shell-compatible server and client. It is designed as a replacement for standard OpenSSH for environments with low memory and processor resources, such as embedded systems. It is a core component of OpenWrt and other router distributions, that is according to wikipedia.
Honestly, this is the first time i read explanation about Dropbear :P, confuse?? yes me too, no idea about that explanation, maybe its too theoritically, but to implement dropbear, its not that hard, i have used it :P, okay, dont ask about what is dropbear is, just follow the instruction, and you will know how to use dropbear.

Step 1. Download and Set Permission for auto install
Open your terminal using PuTTY or your favourite SSH Client, and type below per line
chmod +x && ./

you will be prompt 3 times, when prompted, type "y" and press enter.

 First prompt

 Second prompt

Third prompt
after it done, you will see [Failed]
don't panic, i'll explain in step 2

Step 2. Editing  /etc/init.d/dropbear
Now we will editing dropbear. Type
vim /etc/init.d/dropbear

find :
# pidfile: /var/run/

below # pidfile: /var/run/, add this (see pic above )
OPTIONS="-p 443"
and then press ESC and type :wq

in step 1, we see failed when starting dropbear, why? because before dropbear start, it read all configuration in /etc/init.d/dropbear and, there are no setting at all in what port that dropbear must running?? thats why, we must add OPTIONS="-p 443"it tell dropbear to run in port 443, simple right :P ok, lets continue.
Now we will try starting dropbear again.
service dropbear start

see??? no problem at all, it smoothly running :P
now, we want to dropbear start automatically each time VPS restart or start, type this
chkconfig dropbear on

Step 3. Create SSH user
Now we will create user that will used SSH
Open terminal and type 
adduser mynewssh
passwd mynewssh

you will be prompted to enter password for user mynewssh.
ATTENTION!!! Since user SSH Dropbear can access terminal, there are a few thing you must remember.
1. If you gave to your friend your SSH User and Password, he/she can access your terminal, ftp and do whatever he/she like
2. For better security, you must make SSH user that you create can't login to your terminal
3. If you use for yourself or personal use only, not for sharing to other people, ignore this attention, and ignore below part about Disable User SSH from accessing SHELL/FTP

Disable User SSH from accessing terminal
For security reason, i personally support you to disable SSH user to access shell/terminal or ftp
type below
usermod -s /sbin/nologin mynewssh

Step 4. Using SSH
In this step i recomend you to using bitvise as client
Download bitvise first from
Install it then open.
Hostname : <your ip VPS> eg: or
Port : 443 (For free service in see Step 5)
Username = mynewssh
Password = (insert password when you create user mynewssh)

Go to option tab
See on login section, if you disable user from accessing terminal, then make sure Open terminal is untick (see pic above)

Now click on login, you will see set of information about your ssh show up.
- after you click login, you will see a certificate, just click ok or yes.
- after that, you will see similar like pic above.

Now, our SSH is running, but how to use it?? lets try.
- After login in bitvise, open tab Service
Your SOCKS/HTTP Proxy Forwarding must ticked
Listen interface =
Listen port = 1080 (this what is use) or 1081 or 9090 or 6642, input port as you like
Bind IPv4 interface =

Next :
- Open Mozilla Firefox
- Check your IP ( remember it
- Go to Tools > Option > Advanced > Network Tab
- Click on Settings...
SOCKS Host =
Port = 1080 (must same with port in bitvise service tab)

- Click OK, and then Check your IP ( again.
- I hope you understand capability of SSH, it will use VPS network on your Firefox browser, and it use your VPS bandwidth quota too, so be carefull when you downloading, because it will consume VPS bandwidth (free service in only provided 10GB Part 1 - Let's Start VPS).

Now you are done Installing SSH Dropbear, Add user, and using Dropbear, but i'm sure there lot of function od dropbear beside my example above, just googling, you will find answer there.

Step 5. IPv4 Mapping (For only)
If you using paid service in or in other VPS Host, ignore this step. This step only for user that using free service in

- Login to your control panel
- Click manage
- Find IPv4 Mapping and click it
Input Port name = ss1
Source Port = (add port that hasn't been used by other, ex : 8721 or 4221 or 1128, etc, this need patient, because maybe port has been taken by other, so keep trying) 
Destination Port = 443
then click Add New

- Open your bitvise
- Change Port to port number that you assign in control panel (see pic above in Source Port)
- If you still confuse about IPv4, see previous tutorial (Part 4 - Installing Wordpress To Centos 6, in section Step 5)

Ex : i assume you get Source Port = 7238 in IPv4 Mapping (see pic below)

so, in bitvise, the port is must 7238 (see pic below)

Thats all, thanks for reading my tutorial, see you in next tutorial
For reference about What is SSH, Installing SSH Dropbear on Centos 6, Function of SSH

If you have more reference about installing SSH Dropbear or about SSH, post it on comment section.
I will add it to this artice, thanks.

If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself. - Albert Einstein

Part 4 - Installing Wordpress to Centos 6 64Bit

Hello, today we will install wordpress in our VPS hosted by, hope you read through the end first, because ONLY in that using special treatment.
Before we begin, we must know first what is wordpress, for a few of you that already know wordpress and already use it, you can skip this and go to installing part.
According to, WordPress is a free and open-source tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.

Before we start installing WordPress on our VPS, there are a few thing you must know.
1. Make sure Apache (httpd) process is running
2. Make sure you have mySQL (mysqld) installed in your VPS, if you dont know what is mySQL see Part 3 - Install mySQL in Centos 6 64Bit

If you are not sure about that, open your terminal using PuTTY or another SSH Client, and type
ps -A 

there are a few line of information, what you see is process that running in your VPS. (see pic below)
in your terminal make sure there are httpd and mysqld

what you see in your terminal maybe not same with the picture, just similar, because diffrent vps, has diffrent PID, but the point is you see httpd and mysqld, it means httpd and mysql is installed and running on your VPS.

if there are no httpd, try type
service httpd start

and if there are no mysql, try type
service mysqld start

if both command return error or not found, you must install httpd and mysql, for mySQL, you can see my previous turorial Part 3 - Install mySQL in Centos 6 64Bit for httpd just type
yum install httpd

after you install, start your httpd by type
service httpd start

Step 1. Download, Extract, Install Wordpress
Ok, now we start installing Wordpress
First go to html directory
cd /var/www/html

Download latest wordpress

tar xzf latest.tar.gz

Set permission
chown -R apache.apache wordpress
chmod -R 755 wordpress

Step 2. Create Database in mySQL
Now, we will entering mySQL, do you still remember your password?
Hmmm... not sure??? Okay, no problem, type 
mysql -u root -p

you'll see like this

if you remember password that you create before, type the password. But, if you feel you never create a password for mySQL before, try press <enter> on your keyboard. (you can skip this step if you have entering mySQL with your password, not blank password)

Condition 1 : Pic above is condition where you NOT type anything, just press ENTER, it means you have set password before.

Condition 2 : Pic above is condition where you NOT type anything, JUST press ENTER, and if you see like pic above, it means, you have successfully entering mySQL with no password set before. Just exit mySQL by type quit

Note : if you get like in Condition 1 and Condition 2 you must do this. Type 
mysqladmin -u root password yourpasswordhere
it means you have change your blank mysql admin password with your password.

Okay, i assume you have know your password, type
mysql -u root -p

Creating database for wordpress

Set permission to wp_user
GRANT ALL ON wp_db.* to 'wp_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '_secret_password_';


Step 3. Configure Virtual Host
Now we are going to configure Virtual Host, type
vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

go to the end of line, and press INS on your keyboard to entering edit mode

Remove all # mark on the left start from <VirtualHost *:80> until </VirtualHost> (see pic above)
Edit it with this one

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/wordpress
    <Directory "/var/www/html/wordpress">
         Allowoverride All

    ErrorLog logs/
    CustomLog logs/ combined

See code above, there are "" you can change it to anything, eg:,, etc.
if you see similar like this, Press ESC and type :wq

After you done, PRESS ESC on your keyboard, and type :wq
:wq = save and quit
:q! = just quit, nothing saved.

Now restart Apache (httpd)
service httpd restart

service httpd stop
service httpd start

Both are same.

Step 4. Installing PHP
now we will install php in order for wordpress to start.
type this
yum install php php-mysql

after that we restart apache
service httpd restart

type this for automatically start mysqld and httpd when you reboot your VPS.
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on

Step 5. Configure Wordpress via web
1. Open your favourite browser (if you are not using free service from skip number 2)

2. Login to, go to My Server >> Manage
2.1 Click on IPv4 Mapping
1. Your Name (eg htt)
2. Your Source Port (choose between 1024 - 65535 as long the port not been used by other)
3. Destination port for web = 80, ftp = 21, just type 80

example condition (in free service only)
You want to access Wordpress that installed in your VPS from your home, normally you just enter the IP address on your browser, and it will go to your wordpress site using port 80 automatically.
But if you using free service in, port 80 is blocked for user, so you cant access your web normally, but provide IPv4 mapping, so will automatically redirect to port 80, but from other port as you choose in number 2 (in pic)
ex. in port map you fill like this :

Port Name = htt
Source Port = 7891
Destination Port = 80
 and click addnew

in browser, type - it will go to your wordpress site normally
but you need to add :7891 at the end of your IP address as port.

In case port 7891 has been used by other people, you must put another, like 7890, or 7668, or 2348, etc, the important thing is your port hasn't been use by other.

see number 4 below, i order to type http://<your vps ip>/wp-admin/setup-config.php
it means you must change <your vps ip> to <youripvps>:<port>

Condition in as free service -->
Condition in Other VPS as paid service -->
both are pointing same destination, just diffrent in method, and VPS Host.

Once again, its only in as free service, i never use paid service in here, so maybe it can, or maybe it can not.
go to next step.

3. Enter your VPS <IP ADDRESS> Note : if you still see centos welcome page, type below code, if not, skip this, and goto number 4.
vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf
add # at the left to disable welcome page (see pic below)

welcome page are disabled.

4. type your IP address in your browser or type http://<your vps ip>/wp-admin/setup-config.php

5. Select you language and click continue, after this click lets go
6. See pic below 
Database Name = wp_db
Username = root
Password = <your mysql password>
Database Host = localhost
Table Prefix = wp_
Click Submit

7. See pic below, it means WordPress has successfully access your mySQL, if not, you must be wrong input your mySQL password.

8, Click Run the install
Here is information about your WordPress site
Site Title = Title name for your WordPress site.
Username = username for you as admin to manage your WordPress site later
Password = password for entering admin page
Your E-mail = email for other to contact you if they have interest in you or your site.
Privacy = if you want your site indexed by search engine, tick this.
Click install WordPress

9. If you see like below picture, it means you have success installing WordPress.

10. Open your browser. Type http://<your vps ip>/ you will see your WordPress installed in your VPS.

Thats all and congratulation, you already installed WordPress on your VPS, at the same time, you already know one more truth of VPS, that you can Host your own Website on your VPS.

As usually, i'll add a cross reference for installing WordPress on centos 6, with diffrent method, diffrent trick, and diffrent person too, maybe lot of simple than i do :D, you decide it.
1. Etel Sverdlov @ > Click Here
2. Belong to > Click Here
3. Kyle Laffoon @ > Click Here

If you have more reference, post it in comment below, i'll add in this article.
Thanks for reading, and see you in next tutorial.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Part 3 - Install mySQL in Centos 6 64Bit

Hello again, now we will install mySQL in Centos 6 64Bit, mySQL is a database management system that support many application, ex : wordpress, joomla, etc, okay, let skip the chit chat and go to the point because i have something to do :P, if you need a further explanation about mySQL, visit and search with keyword mySQL, there are a lot of information there.

First, start your PuTTY or your favourite SSH Client, and login to your VPS server (if you still cant connect or anything, see previous tutorial Part 2 - Access your VPS using PuTTY)

If your terminal already open, just login, and then put below code per line in your terminal.
sudo yum install mysql-server
sudo service mysqld start

While installing, there are confirmation, just input "y" with no quote
after this type

sudo /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation

After this, there are a question about your mySQL password for root user, remember, since we never setup mySQL password for root, so the password is blank, in other word, just press enter.

<just press enter, because by default there are no password>

And then you will prompt to input a new password, Type Y


And then, there are a series question like this, (see below)
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y</pre>

Now you have successfully install mySQL into Centos 6 64Bit

pic above show that you already success install mySQL

This tutorial is belong to Etel Sverdlov at, feel free to visit

Here are another reference about installing mySQL, with diffrent method, diffrent style, and diffrent person too.

If you have or found another method that more simple or more complicated :P write down the link on comment below, i will put the link in the page as cross reference for us to learn. 

That's all, see you in next tutorial

Life is more beautiful if we can share our knowledge to other people

Part 2 - Access your VPS using PuTTY

Now we will learn how to connect to our VPS using PuTTY.
Before we start, we must know first, what is PuTTY, and how to get it.

PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. PuTTY is open source software that is available with source code and is developed and supported by a group of volunteers.
There are many SSH Client out there like Bitvise, KiTTY, WinSCP and other, or you can googling it with keyword "ssh client for windows".

To get PuTTY, go to here dowload it, and install

Okay, lets start Connect to VPS using PuTTY.
First, we must login to to find IP Address of server, the port for connect, username and password for login.
I assume you know how to find SSH Feature in
If you confuse about picture above, go Part 1 - Manage server on

Click on SSH, you will see like this ( see pic below )

Number 1 : This is ip address of your VPS
Number 2 : This is port for connect to your VPS
Number 3 : Username = root
Password = (see your signup email, make sure you can access your email, if you can't access your email, click on root, in server setting section (see pic below)

this feature is for changing root password

After we got the IP, Port, Username and Password for login, now, launch PuTTY
Step 1 : Host Name (or IP address) = Fill your VPS IP address here
Step 2 : Port = Fill with your VPS Port (in is 2214), diffrent VPS host can use diffrent port
Step 3 : Saved Sessions = you can write anything here, eg: myserver or server.myvps or anything
after you write in Saved Sessions, click Save.
Step 4 : Click Open.

Nextime you want to access server again, you can skip Step 1 - Step 3, just click on the name you've create in saved session box, click twice for connect to VPS, or click Load and Open.

For first time only, you will see this image, dont worry, its normal.
Just click Yes, and you are ready to login to your VPS server, and fill login and password

Login as : root
type your password.
you can login with your password in signup email, or if you have change the password for root, you can use the new password.

when you typing your password, there will nothing happened, but truly it does, it just not visible, dont worry, its still normal.

if you see your monitor and get similar like picture above, it means you have succesfully connect to your VPS server.

Thats all, see you in next tutorial.

Part 1 - Manage server on

Hello again, this is series tutorial from my previous tutorial about Start a VPS
Before we start manage, we must know exactly what is in our VPS at, ex : How big the storage is?, How many memory that we can use?, How fast is the processor?, How much bandwidth that we can use? the most important things is we must make sure our VPS is RUNNING, not in SUSPEND mode. Lets start!!!

1. Login to your account and click My Servers tab (see previuos Start a VPS)
2. You will see this ( see picture below )

Make sure your VPS status is Running, and your OS is Centos 6 64Bit,

3. And on the left you'll see this ( see picture below )
Reboot : click it to reboot your server, in case there are something happened or you server doing a heavy activity or anything, just like your home PC, when your PC became slow, the first thing to do is restart your PC, if still slow, then we must start investigate what happened.

Start : click it to start runing your VPS, maybe your server suddenly stop because you gave shutdown command from terminal or an application for your server to stop or anything.

Stop : click it to stop your server, this not too usefull, but sometime you need it to prevent suspend to your vps, or if you want to change setting on control panel that required stopping your VPS for a while, stop activity will make your VPS down until you start it again. I usually using stop when bandwidth almost reach the quota 10 GB.

Quota bandwidth in this server ( is very small, 10 GB, but it because we use free service, in paid service of it offer more bandwidth, paid service offering more powerfull resource, not only in, but another host like or or other VPS host.

this paid service of with $9.95 /month pricing table. pricing table.

As we can see from three image above about pricing, with $9-$14 you get diffrent specification of resource for your VPS.

Okay, continue to topic.

Root : This is for change your Root Password
OS : Use this feature if you want to change your OS, ex: You install Centos 6 32 Bit, because of my series tutorial using Centos 6 64 Bit, you can reinstall to Centos 6 64Bit using this feature, what you need is only click your mouse, this is common feature provided by the host, almost all VPS host has this feature, but maybe diffrent way to access it, so don't worry if you use another service from another host.
Hostname : In this you can change your hostname to other name you like (eg:, etc)

Now this is the crucial part.

SSH : if you click this, you will be explained how to connect your server using SSH with Putty. (Dont worry, just wait, i'll create the tuts later) >> see Part 2 : Connect VPS using PuTTY
IPv4 Mapping : using this to redirect the port in / out your server (I will explain later, just wait :P) >> see Part 4 - Installing Wordpress to Centos 6 64Bit

In here you can see info about your VPS resource

Upgrade : If you plan to use paid service, you can upgrade it
Cancel : You can stop your free service here, use this feature to stop or delete your VPS if you dont need it anymore, so other people can still use free VPS service from

I think thats all about manage your Free VPS, see you in next tutorial.

Many good VPS out there with diffrent specification, you decide it which one that cover what you need 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Let's Start VPS (Virtual Private Server)

Hello again, after a long time no manage even visit this server, i have something new but old stuff for some people there, maybe some of you know better about VPS rather than me, hope all master that visit here can share their knowledge to help people with limit knowledge like me.. :P,
Okey, Let's Start, what is VPS? according to VPS  is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software that runs on that OS. For many purposes they are functionally equivalent to a dedicated physical server, and being software-defined, are able to be much more easily created and configured. They are priced much lower than an equivalent physical server, but as they share the underlying physical hardware with other VPSs, performance may be lower, and may depend on the workload of other instances on the same hardware node. That's explanation is belong for wikipedia "theoritically" no offense :P.

My explanation is simple, VPS is similar like borrow your friend computer, install Operating System (OS) as you like, using your friend connection, and do whatever you like... hmmm... at this point we talk VPS, but sound like Dedicated Server, confuse?? not now, if you rent Dedicated Server, you can rent again VPS to your friend or your customer, in other word, VPS stay inside Dedicated Server, so what can i do with VPS? Many things, like, Hosting a Website, VPN, SSH, Proxy Server, Personal Radio Station, Leech Torrent, and other things.

Where or How to get or use VPS?
Okay, lets get start VPS using free service for testing purpose,
(i recomend use free service for studying rather than buy service)

1. Go to 

2. Register, no Credit Card needed (i'm sure you know how to register right??? if not, feel free to ask)
3. I assume you already register, so click on Dashboard (see pic below)

4. You will see like this

5. Click "1"and see the price is "free" (see pic below)

6. Clik order and you see like this (see pic below)

7. VPS Hostname : <leave it blank, it will auto generate, or fill what you like, ex :>
    OS Template : Centos 6 64 Bit

8. Click "Order Now" and then click "Checkout"
9. Then Manage server
10. Done

Until now, congratulation, you have a Virtual Private Server provided by for studying and testing purpose only, and from this we will use Centos 6 64Bit 

Thanks for read, see you in next tutorial about VPS.
a good studying method is read each step till done, understand it, and DO