Angelimus Testing Score

A test score is a piece of information, usually a number, that conveys the performance of an examinee on a test. One formal definition is that it is "a summary of the evidence contained in an examinee's responses to the items of a test that are related to the construct or constructs being measured."
Above definition is by about "test score"

"Angelimus Score" is not an official score, it's my personal scoring based on information that i got during testing period, involving many benchmark package from linux especially for Centos 6 64 Bit, and testing process is in VPS with clean instalation of Centos OS.

"Angelimus Score" is a score based on CPU Process Performance, Memory Performance, Disk, and Network Speed.

"Angelimus Score" is just for user in this blog, it can't be a reference or comparison for VPS generally, because there are more factor that not included in scoring.

Angelimus Score  397.86
VPS - (EvoBurst 4G) - Link Order
Benchmark result by -
Last Bench : June 22, 2015

Performance Bench 
AES, Twofish, SHA1, SHA2, BZip2 Compress, BZip2 Decompress, JPEG Compress, JPEG Decompress, PNG Compress, PNG Decompress, Sobel, Lua, Dijkstra, BlackScholes, Mandelbrot, Sharpen Filter, Blur Filter, SGEMM, DGEMM, SFFT, SFFT, DFFT, N-Body, Ray Trace 
 - provided by
Memory Bench
Stream Copy, Stream Scale, Stream Add, Stream Triad.
- provided by
I/O speed

Download from [CacheFly], [Coloat, Atlanta GA], [Softlayer, Dallas, TX], [Linode, Tokyo, JP], [, Rotterdam, NL], [Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL], [Softlayer, Singapore], [Softlayer, Seattle, WA], [Softlayer, San Jose, CA], [Softlayer, Washington, DC]
- script by