Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tutorial Install KDE on Centos 6 64Bit

Hello, now i'm gonna share how to install KDE on Centos 6, a lot of tutorial like this before, many of them are good, no much trick available in this tutorial, so its generally same.
Why KDE, i prefer KDE, because i use less memory than GNOME, maybe i wrong, but this is what i feel, maybe for some other, they prefer GNOME, its like taste, diffrent people with diffrent taste :P
For now, i will not include explanation from wikipedia, maybe you can search by yourself :P

FYI : In this tutorial i using my VPS from Evoburst.com, (Low Price VPS) because it have 4GB of Memory, and SSD Support, but if you using another VPS Host, there are no problem at all.

Okay, lets start installing KDE.

Part 1 - Installing KDE on Centos 6
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zaq111/bash/master/angelimus-install-kde.sh
chmod +x angelimus-install-kde.sh && ./angelimus-install-kde.sh

this maybe take a while, about 3-10 minute, depend on your VPS internet speed and your VPS processor performance, and you will see this (see pic below)

Input Password and Verify

Now you have done install KDE on your Centos 6, and then, the next step is accessing your KDE from Windows using Real VNC.

Part 2 - Accessing KDE from Windows using RealVNC
Install it, and open it.

Type your VPS IP Address with port 1

You will see this warning
- tick on "Don't warn me about this again"
- Click Continue
- and then input your password.

-updated june 26, 2015-
Part 3 - Problem after installing KDE
- Case 1 : After installing KDE, try reboot, and type :

ping www.google.com
if you got reply

unknown host

visit this page for troubleshooting

- Case 2 : After reboot, if you type 

ping www.google,com 
and you got reply

64 bytes from yyz08s14-in-f17.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=2.39 ms
64 bytes from yyz08s14-in-f17.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=2.45 ms

but you can't connect using VNC in windows, try turn on vnc server on terminal by type :


It's all done, here a reference about installing KDE on Centos 6

See you in next tutorial.


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